
πŸ‘¨β€πŸ’» Style Transfer and Synthesis (1/3): Style Transfer in Image Synthesis

There are multiple papers in the area of style transfer and image inversion or reconstruction. Here are some papers I read and would like to share with you:

Progressive GAN

Key point: They propose a novel training process of GAN model: progressive training, i.e. from small model to big model/from low resolution to high resolution

Some Hightlights

  1. The training (see Figure A) is from left to right,
    1. start from feature map, the model produce a (3x4x4) output from the generator $G_1$ and as the input of the discriminator $D_1$
    2. the second process is to upsample the feature map from $4 \times 4$ to $8 \times 8$ and produce a ($3 \times 8 \times 8$) output from the generator $G_2$ and as the input of the discriminator $D_2$
    3. continue with the process, for the last part of the progression, the model output the $1024 \times 1024$ image from the generator and as the input of the discriminator $D_m$
  2. To avoid the influence/damage of the transition from low resolution to high resolution, they fade in the new layer smoothly (see Figure B):
    1. they treat the layers that operate on the higher resolution like a residual block, whose weight $\alpha$ increases linearly from $0$ to $1$.
    2. By adjusting the weight of convolution-based output and upsampling-based output to control the final output: $(\alpha \cdot O_{\text{convolution layer}} + (1 - \alpha) \cdot O_{\text{upsample layer}})$
  3. Minibatch Standard Deviation
  4. Equalize the Learning Rate
  5. Pixelwised Noramlization

#Artificial Intelligence #Style Tranfer #Image Synthesis